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This website and the sites may contain links to websites operated by third parties not within Fundación Bancaria Ibercaja (hereinafter, the Foundation). These connections are provided exclusively for your convenience. The Foundation does not control these websites and is not responsible for their content. The inclusion of links to third-party websites does not necessarily entail the Foundation’s endorsement of their content, nor does it imply any association between the Foundation and the individuals operating those websites.
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Any software that is downloadable from this website (hereinafter, the “Software”) has been created by and/or its suppliers and is protected by copyright. Your use of the Software will be governed by the terms contained in the end user licence agreement, if there is one, which comes or is included with the Software (hereinafter, the “Licence Agreement”). In order to install or use any Software that comes with or includes a License Agreement, you must first agree to the terms of the applicable License Agreement.
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Use of online web communities
If this website contains bulletin board services, chat areas, newsgroups, forums, communities and/or other types of messaging or communication services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Communities”), you agree to use the Communities solely to send and receive messages and material specific to the particular forum you are using. By way of example but not limiting in nature, you undertake to refrain from the following actions when using a Community:
Defame, libel, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as the right to privacy or self-image) of others.
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You acknowledge that all Communities are made up of public communication and that, as a consequence thereof, your communications may be read by third parties without your knowledge. You should always act prudently when providing, in any Community, personal data that may identify you or your children. Because does not control or approve the content of the messages or information found in the Communities, it is therefore freed from any liability that may arise from the use of the same, as well as from any action resulting from your participation in them. Forum and host directors are not authorised spokespersons, and their views may not necessarily coincide with those of
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The content provided herein is for information purposes only; you should not rely on information obtained from this website for personal, medical, legal, financial or other decisions; you should instead consult the appropriate professional who can advise you according to your needs. The information, software and/or products or services found on this website may contain typographical errors, imprecisions or inaccuracies for which the Foundation accepts no liability. Changes are periodically added to the information on this website. The Foundation reserves the right to discontinue dissemination in whole or in part and to modify the structure and content of this site without prior notice.
Neither the Foundation nor its suppliers will be liable for any damage or harm to the user or third parties that may arise from visiting this site or from the use of the information or applications contained herein.
Access restrictions
The Foundation reserves the right to deny, at its sole discretion at any time and without prior notice, access by any user to this website or any part thereof.
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The Foundation reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under which this website is offered.